Saturday, 12 November 2011

Less Daylight

I'm almost done with my next novella  A New Breed (The Birth). It's taken me longer than necessary and I'm going to blame it on the change in weather and the amount of daylight we now have, LOL.

Since we've changed our clocks back an hour all I want to do is stay in bed, curl up in front of the t.v with blankets and comfort food. It happens to me every year, the minute we have the dark and dreary days, I just want to hibernate. Last year I snapped out of it by going to the gym for spinning classes three times a week. I had too! Without it I would've stayed on the couch stuffing my face with fish pie and downing more glasses of wine than necessary.

I'm pleased to say that this year I'm alot more positive. And I think it's because I'm writing. Writing about sex has it's benefits. Although I'd say I haven't been writing as much as I did in the summer,  I've been writing enough to keep the winter blues away. SAD, that's what it's called. SAD!

Anyway, after my novella is up on Amazon I've two short stories I'd like to release soon. I've also been toying with the idea of writing something different. A different genre under a different pen name. So there is a lot going on in my head with regards to my writing, which I'm grateful for. It keeps the winter blues away :-).

Keep smiling everyone, I know I am :-).

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